The Grunau Family

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Busyness of Fall

Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged, but it seems like the busyness of fall has caught up with us. Daryl is now in full swing with YFC and he is enjoying being back in the schools again. We are thankful that God opened up doors and allowed Daryl to be back in Queen Elizabeth school for D4. (If you want the extended version let me know and I can email you the whole thing... or just phone!)
Libby is a very busy girl! She enjoys exploring, she loves other kids and she loves it outside. Although she is quite busy, she still loves to sit on the couch and read her books.... the girl loves reading. Not that she will really let you actually read the book to her, but she just flips through all the pages... over and over again!
You would think that with her love of books that she would be talking like crazy, but NOOoooo, she is hardly saying any words at all. I'm talking like maybe 5 words and that if I really use a lot of my imagination.
It's not that she isn't vocal, she is always making sounds and has a lot of inflection in her voice, but she just isn't talking. I'm not really all that worried, but I know that when we go to the public health for her shots they do an assessment (which she will probably fail...unless she learns 20some words in the next 8 weeks). I know that she will start talking when she is ready, but I get really frustrated with the pressure that I am feeling for her to be talking already. Oh well, it'll happen when it happens.
I know that she understands, because I can tell her things and she'll do them (if she feels like it... did I mention that she is quite stubborn??). I know that she is smart and that she knows what I am saying, she just hasn't figured out how to say words yet. Who knows maybe she'll be one of those kids that just starts speaking in sentences... here's hoping!
Well that's enough for this update, hopefully I will be much better at keeping this thing updated. Did I mention that Libby and I have been sick off and on for the last couple of weeks??? (I am trying to get some extra pity points)!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Taylor and Libby

Taylor and Libby
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Here is a picture of Taylor and Libby, and a few things strike me. First off, I must say that those are two of the cutest girls ever and I can't believe how photogenic they are. And secondly, I can't believe that Taylor is only 8 months older than Libby! She looks so much older than Libby. It might be because Taylor has way more hair (notice the pigtails), or it could be that she is super tall, but either way it's funny to think that these girls are somehow related. No matter how different they look, they sure loved playing together and they enjoyed each other so much. Libby now smiles and waves at any pictures of Taylor. She loves to look at the pictures of our trip... she just stares and giggles!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

September Long Weekend

Stanley Park
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

So for the long weekend we went to Abbotsford and saw Daryl's 2 sisters, our brother in law, and our niece, Taylor. It was such a great time, and since we hadn't seen them since Christmas it was a great time of catching up. Taylor is only 8 months older than Libby so they had a lot of fun playing together and entertaining one another.
This is a picture of us at Stanley Park. The weather got pretty rainy, so we decided to go the Vancouver Aquarium, which was a lot of fun. The only problem was that I think a lot of people had that idea!! It was pretty packed for the most part, but the girl's loved it. Taylor kept talking about those sea turtles... I think those might have been her favorite!

Well I'll probably post more about the trip later (pictures at least), but for now I have to go and try to put my house in some order!!