libby in her pool
libby in her pool.jpg
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.
Last week Libby and I stayed with Jen in Swift Current while Daryl and Ben (Jen's husband) met up with some old college friends in Banff. It was super hot that weekend (33+) and one of Jen's friends invited us to come over. Her son Riley was 5 months older than Libby and they had a pool set up in the back yard so it was great in the heat.
Anyways, Libby enjoyed herself so much I decided it was time to buy a little pool for her. So we set it up and once she was comfortable in there she loved it!! It was super hot yesterday so we decided to try it out.
I am envisioning many more days in the pool... maybe if I'm lucky she'll 'let' me dip my toes in now and then!