The Grunau Family

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Back yard

Back yard
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

So I thought that I would show you the outside part of our house and the garden. I have really enjoyed having flower beds, but one of the sacrifices you make when you move and reno in the summer is that the outside tends to get neglected. Oh well, thankfully the people before us had quite a few perennials so those will tide us over for the next little while.

There's the back of our house! If you are wondering why the posts look weird it's because there was lattice on the deck to keep there cat in and we took it off. Now we have to paint the posts... just one more list of things to do.

The flower bed looks super full in this picture and it's pretty much all to do with calendula! They reseed them selves and come back every year. They fill out the garden really nicely, and best of all they didn't cost anything!! They have really pretty orange and yellow flowers. I neglected them all spring and they look great!

Any ways here are some more pictures of the back yard and our flower garden!


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