This is our life
hanging out
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.
Sorry I haven't written anything for awhile but things have been slightly crazy! First off, around a month ago I hurt my back really bad.... I could hardly even lift Libby. Thankfully my parents saved my butt and they arranged to come out and help me. Then Libby had a cold and started waking up all the time in the night. I recognize that this might not seem like a big deal, but she has been sleeping through the night since she was 6 weeks old, so I wasn't quite used to waking up at 12:00, 3:00 and 6:00 (or some variation of that!). THEN Libby got used to waking up like that all the time so it took me another week to get her used to sleeping through the night again (once she was over her cold and growth spurt that is). Then because she seemed hungry all the time (like an hour after I would feed her), I started her on rice cereal (WHICH SHE LOVED.... didn't spit any of it out at all!!) BUT a side effect of that was that she got super constipated and I have my first run in with a suppository (to be followed by the same experience 6 days later!!).
But the big thing lately is that I went to the doctor two weeks ago and she said that I shouldn't start her on rice cereal and that the WHO (World Health Organization) reccommends that you don't start your child on solids until they are 6 months and that you are endangering your child and pretty much killing them if you do (A vast overstatement I'm sure!!) QUICK NOTE>>>> before any moms start getting super mad at me... I didn't say that I agree with the WHO, this is just what my doctor told me.
Anyways, so then my doctor suggested weighing her to see what the result would be. She weighed 13 lbs. 13 oz. Which means that she had actually lost a couple ozs. in a month!! YIKES!! So my doctor said that she wasn't getting enough calories (mostly because she is a super lazy eater and doesn't like to work at it AT ALL!!). So now I need to take two pills/ four times a day to increase my supply and I have to try to feed her more often as well to bring up my supply! YAY ;(
I guess the good thing is that I know that she has gained weight because I went to the doctor's 6 days later (on Wednesday) and she weighed 14 lbs. 6 oz., so she gained around 8 oz. in 6 days... not too shabby I'd say! So now at least we have that area under control.
Now the only problem is that she has a cold again and keeps waking up in the night and I have to feed her and suck out her snot with the sucker thing (which she hates). So I basically feel like the cycle is starting all over again. I sure hope we get over this sickness thing super fast or else it could be an interesting winter!!! All I can say is that I sure hope Libby learns how to blow snot out of her nose at an exeptionally young age and a big HORRAY out to the person that created snot suckers!!! Hopefully my post will be a little more uplifting! ;)