Daryl and Libby at Ranger
Daryl and Libby at Ranger
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.
Here's a pic of Daryl and Libby when we were at Ranger Lake Bible Camp last week. I love Libby's face in this picture.... doesn't she look impressed!!
Here's a pic of Daryl and Libby when we were at Ranger Lake Bible Camp last week. I love Libby's face in this picture.... doesn't she look impressed!!
So Libby is now over 2 months old. She is growing up so fast... I can't believe how much time flies. Libby looks so big and she doesn't look like my little newborn anymore.
Yesterday she got her 2 months shots and boy was she mad. She's doing pretty good, just I little on the tired side and a little more grumpy than usual.
A week and a half ago we went to Emma Lake with Daryl's parents, Daryl's sister Jolene, her husband Russ and their 10 month old daughter Taylor. This was the first time that Jo, Russ and Taylor met Libby. At first Taylor wasn't too sure about this little bald thing that cried a bunch. But eventually she mustered up the courage to reach out and touch Libby. They didn't really notice each other all that much during the 4 days at the cabin, but I know once they get older they'll have a lot more fun with eachother.
Notice that they are both wearing the same outfit..... isn't that so cute!!
Here is a picture from Saturday when Libby was 7 weeks old. She has already changed so much..... she isn't a little newborn anymore!! (mind you at 8lbs 11oz at birth, she never really was the new born type!!)
It has been great seeing her little personality coming out. Daryl and I are definately feeling a lot more comfortable in our parent roles. I actually felt like my summer has just started last week. I feel like I can actually enjoy the summer now!
Now if I can just get a picture of Libby with her arms down!! (VERY DIFFICULT!!)
So last week we were at Camp Kadesh, just north of Prince Albert on Christopher Lake. It went really well, and we had a lot of fun! We ended up staying in a fifth wheel trailer... it was great. There was no water, but we had electricity which meant AIR CONDITIONING!! And since it was over 30 degrees for most of the week that was awesome. Libby had a good week. She went through a growth spurt during the week, so I was lucky if I could get her to last 2 hours between feedings!! But on the up side she slept great, so Daryl and I got quite a bit of rest. This week we are going up to Emma Lake for a few days; Daryl's parents rented a cabin there so on Wednesday Daryl, Libby and I are going up there. It'll be a lot of fun and Russ, Jo and Taylor will be there too. Maybe I can even get a bit of a tan!!