The Grunau Family

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

1 week to go

Well in exactly one week we will have possession of our new house!! We are super excited and we can't wait to get in there and rip it apart!!! (insert evil laugh here...)
It's been a little frustrating because we know that we have a lot to do, but there isn't really anything we can do until we can get in there! It has also been very difficult to focus on packing right now, instead of thinking about peeling, painting, and destroying things.
We'll make sure we take some before and after pictures to post up!
As a side note we are super thankful to our parents who are going to be helping us out too. My parents are coming on Sunday and I am super excited to see them.... I thnk Libby will have a lot of fun with them!!
Talk to you soon!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Six Flags

Six Flags
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

The reason I wanted to put this picture up is because I can clearly remember about a year ago when we received this t-shirt from our friend Kendra after she returned from California Breakaway. I remember thinking... wow 12 months .... this shirt is so big, I wonder if the baby will ever fit it.
Well she does!!! I have finally put away the 3-6 month clothing (some of which Libby still fit, but due to my pride I packed them up anyways) and now she is wearing 12 months and even some 12-18 month sizes.
We are super excited for this summer and we can't wait to get out and enjoy all the warm weather!!
Also for our house update... we take possesion in 10 days!! That is super crazy. In just over 3 weeks we won't own this place any more. It actually feels really weird!
My parents are coming out on Mother's Day and are staying to help us with the reno's so we are happy about that!!
Hope you all are enjoying the weather!! (We went to some greenhouses today... I can't wait to dig in the dirt at our new place!!)