The Grunau Family

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Summer "fun"

Summer Outfit
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

So here is the outfit that Daryl's mom bought for Libby. She really did like the outfit, this is just before we needed to feed her that's all! She then proceeded to go to a BBQ and have a big sleep.
I love this outfit and she looked so cute in it!

Salem Shower

Salem Shower
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Last Wednesday we had a baby shower thrown for us at Salem Church in Waldheim. There were quite a few people, lots of great gifts, yummy food (CHOCOLATE GALORE!!), and lots of fun! We ended up getting a play pen as the group gift. That's if you can call it a play pen, it was the cadillac version! It has a vibrating bassinet, change table and mobile toy bar, and is the Eddy Bauer edition. It's awesome and we can't wait to try it out (which will be next week at Camp Kadesh).
Thanks to all the people who came to the shower, and thanks for blessing us with all the great gifts.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Here's Libby chill-laxing in her swing. I wonder what she's thinking about here?

Summer Stylin'

Summer Stylin'
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

This is our little girl on Father's day at Daryl's parents farm. She was so cute and it was also her first 'showing' at Salem Church. She was very good!
As a side note she is laying on the quilt that my mom made for her... it looks like Libby really likes it!

First bottle

First bottle
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

On Monday Libby took her first bottle. We were a little scared that she wouldn't like it, but before I could even say my concern out loud, she was chowing back the milk!! She did awesome, which is great because Daryl, his dad and I are going to the Jazz festival on friday and we thought little Libby and grandma Grunau would have a lot more fun if Libby could eat during that time!! In a strange way I feel some freedom now that she can eat from a bottle. I feel like I could go away for a few hours and not have to worry if she would be okay, because I know that she could eat.

One month old!

One month old!
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

So yesterday Libby was one month old! I cannot believe how much she has grown already... it kind of just hit me yesterday that she isn't my little newborn anymore. Well we didn't get her anything for her one month, but she gave us an awesome present last night.... 7 HOURS OF SLEEP IN ONE SHOT!!!! Not only that but then she followed it up with another 2 1/2 hours!! I feel very rested today. I think that she is going through a growth spurt becuase she is sleeping like crazy and then she eats like crazy!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Thoughts on motherhood

So this is the first post that I have done since I have had Libby. Daryl has been very good to me and has been uploading pictures for me on the blog. I am just thankful that he did that for me, it would have been a little much to expect him to journal on all of them too.
Things have been going pretty good. In the beginning it was pretty hard because Libby wasn't eating very well. That also made the whole sleep thing hard, especially in the night because she would wake up every hour or two, so we weren't really getting all that much sleep. Well i am happy to say that she is eating much better now, and she gives us 3-5 hour stretches every night!! YAY!!
I knew that motherhood would be hard and that I would be super tired, but there was no way I could have prepared myself for the emotions that I am experiencing. I can have such a range of emotions in one day (or even in one hour!!). I think something that has surprised me the most is that I can do it!! I somehow manage to function everyday, even when I don't get very much sleep. It seems really obvious to me that God has created me to be able to take care of my baby no matter how much sleep I have gotten. It still amazes me that I can hear her cry from across a crowded room, and that in a group of babies I know when it is Libby crying!
I already love being a mom so much.... I can't believe that tomorrow Libby will be 1 month old tomorrow! Time has just flown by and i am trying my best to enjoy every moment for what it is.
Anyways this is just some thoughts and I can only imagine that as time goes on I will have more and more thoughts and feelings about being a mom (and a lot more questions on it too!!)
Well I will try to post some more pictures, but right now the computer isn't co-operating!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Libby's Baby Dedication

Libby's Baby Dedication
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Libby first hoddie

Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.