The Grunau Family

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Bursting at the seams!!

Well, I can't believe that I still have just over 4 weeks to go! I feel like I am about to burst!!! The baby is moving so much, I can hardly get a good nights sleep in (which is why I am writing this at 1:30 in the morning!!) I guess she is just preparing me for when she is born. It's actually kind of freaky when she is moving, because people can see my belly moving from across the room. My parents really enjoyed the "belly dancing" that took place when we saw them this weekend. They got a real kick out of it (no pun intended).
I would also like to point out that my little girl has definately taken after her mom in the hiccup department. She gets the hicupps at least twice a day, which isn't the most comfortable sensation ever. The 'best' part is when she is kicking me and she has the hicupps.... that is a weird feeling let me tell you!!
I also want to know who the genious was that called Braxton hicks "false labour"!! After experiencing these Braxtons I can tell you that there is nothing false about them!! Apparently some pregnant women only feel their belly hardening (or contracting if you will), and they feel a little uncomfortable. Lucky for me I get the hardening AND the painful cramping too!! I wonder if that means that my "Real" contractions are going to be super bad..... or maybe it'll mean I'll just be more prepared for the "real" thing. (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!)
I do have something positive that I can focus on (as silly as it is)..... here it is..... I still have an inny belly button!!! That's right no outty for me. At this point it is almost level, but it is still an inny none the less!!! I am quite proud of it, but I probably won't be showing it off any time soon.
Well I should go off to bed and see if this little munchkin will let me go to sleep!!
Stay tuned for the 36 week picture that will be coming soon!! (I look like a blimp!!)


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