The Grunau Family

Saturday, January 06, 2007

First Christmas

First Christmas
Originally uploaded by ddgrunau.

Well we have officially survived Libby's first Christmas and we don't even have that many scars to show for it!! We had a great time in Barrhead with my family. Libby loves her grandma and grandpa Klause and it was a great time of relaxing, eating, and game playing!! We also had a great time in Waldheim with Daryl's family. We ended up staying at the farm from the 27th-30th and it was great to see Andrea, Russ and Jo and Taylor our precious little niece. It was interesting to see how far ahead Taylor was than Libby (could walk and talk somewhat) and they are only 8 months apart! I'm really excited to see what Libby is like at that age. It was really fun to watch the two girls "play" together and interact. And it was also really fun to see 'Grandma and Grandpa Grunau' having so much fun with their grand daughters... especially Daryl's mom, I think she was in her glory with the two of them!!
On a more depressing note.... Christmas also really sucked with Libby teething like crazy!! She was in a lot of pain and she didn't sleep well at all (and still isn't really). She ended up pushing out her two top front teeth this Christmas (anyone else thinking of the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"). So now that is a total of four teeth already and she's only just over 7 months. Hopefully this means that they will all come in quickly, or else we need a break and soon!
I will try to post some pictures of Libby and Taylor together in a few days, so you can all see how adorable these two really are!!


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